WOW! I can't believe it has been since August that I have blogged. I guess when I tell people I am a 'little busy' I mean it. haha
A good friend of the family was killed in action in Iraq. The PGR carried the honor of standing a Flag line during the visitation and funeral services. It was very moving to see the amount of members present to pay tribute to 'NA NA'.
We also spent ALOT of time doing 'Welcome Homes' and 'Send Offs' with escorts for many of our Armed Forces. Our Ride captain made a plan for whoever was available to stand a Flag line and greeting arriving military over the weekend before Christmas. In total there were over 230 men and women we got to say 'Welcome home, Merry Christmas and THANK you' in just five days. The weather was not cooperative so we ended up seeing ones the day after they wanted to be home. Most were not in uniform but we got really good at 'spotting' them. We greeted a local Marine unit on Sunday and then did a 'Send Off' for most of them and some others on January 7th. Lots of hugs for all. Many were so moved that we took the time to be there. I feel really blessed to be able to volunteer with such AMAZING men and women. On January 11, 2009 Eric (our Ride captain and friend) and I were both honored with a plaque for our continued support for the Troops. We both were at the ceremony thinking we were going to help present the OTHER ONE with a plaque. We were duped and enjoyed every minute. We received the plaque and a personal letter from the MajGen of the Rock Island Arsenal. I know neither of us do this for recognition. But, again, I am blessed to have people who appreciate what is done. There will, however, be PAYBACKS for Wayne who was the instigator in this elaborate plan.....LOL
The end of last year was not without drama. We had rumors that hurt not only myself but a very dear friend. As rumors are-there was just the tiniest bit of truth that was stretch so thin NO ONE recognized it. How sad that some have nothing better to do than spread untruths about others.
I am still praying and torn with where my life should go now. I have decided THIS year that I will not allow things to get to me like they did last year. Life is too fleeting to let petty things rule it. At times I feel I need to 'run away' anywhere and start over. I know wherever I go my family will visit. The hardest thing that I have not admitted to my family is that THEY are not why I stay. I would miss my OTHER family more and all that we do for the Veterans. They have told me I could start over anywhere and with my enthusiasm it wouldn't take long. Eric said 'I know people' and could get me connected. Somehow I never doubted that..HAHA
But, I will continue to pray and know God will tell me when He is ready. He does NOT run on our timeline.
On a fun note. We spent the week after Christmas and New Year's Day in Branson. Joanna and I, along with a bunch of old and new friends, went to the Haygoods concerts and their FAN NITE. We also went to see Dirty Old Towne and just spent time with friends and tried to relax a little. I think 'relax' has been eliminated from my vocabulary now. HAHA
This year my resolution will be to try and concentrate more on what I need to do and not as much on what others THINK I need to do. I hope that doesn't come across as selfish. I am still going to continue all my PGR/MARINEMOM/NAVYFAMILY/ALLVET work. I am just going to not allow so much 'drama' to invade my life. Or at least try not to........LOL
When you figure out how to do that let ME know. ;)
To end on a good note. Seven of my eight nieces and nephews now live close to me. Sooo, Aunt Annette is very busy giving hugs and letting them know how much I LOVE all of them.
It's so good to hear what you've been up to again...though I've managed to follow a little on the MB :)
What you get to do for our troops sounds amazing, and I'm so glad that there are people like you who give time to support them.
I did have to laugh that we have practically the same resolution for this year! I don't think it's selfish (though I'm biased), and it's necessary if I ever hope to do other people any good.
Here's to a better year in 2009!!!!
Hey Annette! First off it's good to see you blogging again! It has been a long time,but I totally understand bout the business thing.
I am so proud of you for recieving the plaque.It is something you totally deserve.I am so honored to know someone as invovled with our troops as you are. :)
I wish I could tell you how to keep drama out of your life.I am still working on that concept myself.Not a clue! lol!But you are right. Life is too fleeting to let small things get in the way of friendships and our lives.
I am praying for you,my friend that GOd makes His plan crystal clear for you! Love ya,hugs and God bless!
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