Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cougar or Stud-what's the limit

I have to agree with my friend, Kim, who loves to use the phrase 'I like me some eye candy.' We have categorized people who are involved in relationships with expanded age differences as either Cougars (older women with youger men) or Studs (older men with youger women). I have had two coworkers who's husbands or boyfriends were 8-15 years younger than them. A friend of mine's husband is 11 years old than her. I find myself attacted to men where either of us would fit one of these categories. But, I also realize that it is because they all share the some of the same traits I admire. Many people look at the physical beginning of a relationship and think it is the major factor. I believe that somewhat the physical attraction is important. But, you must also look beyond that to see what else you have in common. Do you have an 'old soul' that shares the same things as your more 'mature' interest. Do you have a 'young spirit' that shares the same things as your more 'youthful' interest. I believe you can have a serious relationship no matter who is the older/younger of the couple as long as your values, beliefs, etc. are compatible.
It is a fun dilemna and one that I will continue to explore.


k said...

I'm pretty sure the only way to settle this argument is to date a cougar and a stud, and then compare the results. Testing the hypothesis and all. Let me know how it works out. This old married woman likes to live vicariously. :)

Jason Hunt said...

Alright, Annette, let's just be out with it, shall we? You're in love with me. It's okay, you can be honest with yourself. You can't help who you are attracted to. I just want you to understand that I'm taken. Daralyn doesn't give me a long leash, but know that I'll always be waiting for you. Waiting.

Waaaaaiiiiittttiiiinnnggg...... :-D

Tina said...

Kim's & Jason's comments made me laugh just as much as your blog post, Annette! :P
Thanks for making me smile, Annette. And I agree with Kim. Let us all know about your... results. haha.

Cassie said...

Well I think I have a a more mature aspect on life along with my youthfulness but i think that is why i would be okay with dated a guy 9yrs or so older than me. when i am 18 of course. but like if i cant find love adn i am 40 plus then i meet this guy that is late 20s early 30s then i would not restrain myself because i would not be holding on to my youth but past most of the hardships in my life and ready to have some fun. but i dont know yet because i am only 16 :( lol but good blog!!!!
God Bless!!!!!!!