This past week (August 14-17th) I had the honor of participating in the 'All Eras Veterans Healing Field.' For those that don't know what it is here is a brief summary: There were 102 American Flags set up in our local cemetery. In the center portion 57 flags had names of those that have given the Ultimate sacrifice in the military for our Country in Iraq and Afghanistan. We had a sound system which played the reading of the names for them and also music from different eras of time. I had permission from a few artists to play their music during this time. It was all widely received with gratitude. We also designated some of the flags to represent WWII, Korean War, Vietnam Wars and police and fire personnel killed in the line of duty locally. We had five Field Crosses to represent each of the branches of service.
We also had information and took donations for the 'Honor Flights of the Quad Cities' which will be sending WWII Veterans to Washington DC for a day to view their monument, as well as, the others there. The Veteran's fly for free. We had the priviledge of meeting several WWII Veterans who loved to talk to us about their service.
We met many Veterans who served in Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and the current conflicts. We talked with family, friends and comrads of the Fallen soldiers. Many tears and hugs were shed throughout this time. This event was organized by the ALLVETS, PGR (Patriot Guard Riders), MarineMoms, Navy Families and several other Veterans groups.
We had Gold Star wives and families present for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and some came a few times on their own. For those that don't know 'Gold Stars' and family members who have lost a love one killed in action. They were very helpful in setting this up when it originally started 5 years ago and have had their opinions shared in the following years. The PGR,American Legion and other groups rode motorcycles for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. Then we formed a Flag line for them to walk through as they mounted the 'Lest They Be Forgotten' Flag on its own stand with the others. The ceremony had many events: USMC Color Guard, playing of God Bless America by Kate Smith, a fantastic speaker in CmdSgtMaj Blake, a Chinook Helicopter flyover and petal drop, the Pledge of Allegiance, Ray Hamilton's moving speech, on of our PGR ladies stepping up to sing the National Anthem, VVA volley rifle, bagpipes performing 'Amazing Grace' and bugles performing 'Taps' by echoing each other.
I cannot even begin to explain all the things that occurred. We were blessed with great weather and the opportunity to get to know each other better at this time. We were opened for 24 hours during this time so we had shifts manning the tents for our visitors. We laughed, cried and ate alot of cookies that were donated by a local baker and 'moms' wanting to help. YUM!!!!
I am already looking forward to next year and the plans we are going to start to make this even more memorable and respectful for our Veterans.
I cannot begin to tell you the 'healing' and feelings we experience during this time. I wish you could all meet the men and women who put this together. They are some of the best people I know and I truly love each of them.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Long Time No Blogging-well here we go

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted a blog. Boy, am I bad. haha
Last week we spent the whole week in Branson seeing Haygoods shows (five to be exact), spending time with Jason, Liza, Joanna, Rose, Tina, Sheila and the Kims. lol To say the least there was NEVER a boring time. The shows were AMAZING, OUTSTANDING and overall F-U-N!!!! We even helped Patrick come up with his own saying for the Romance section of the show. Now, he doesn't have to share the 'Big Daddy' title with Dominic. LOL For the whole review check out their website or For more pictures check out myspace .
I have added a few photos from June 10, 12 and 13th. I love getting my own group shots and then having them sign one. I even make copies and give one to each. They like to see them because they probably don't have any of their own since it isn't taped anymore.
Well, the week was anything but relaxing. I had to go back to work to rest. LOL We helped Jason celebrate his graduation from Baylor University. We took him, Rose and Liza to Lamberts. We enjoyed ourselves a little too much. When we left the table beside us clapped our exiting. We walked Branson Landing, toured Silver Dollar City, viewed the Titanic display and tried several new places to eat.
On the way home we stopped in Springfield at the Missouri Veterans Cemetery. We took some pictures of the markers. They were very interesting. One was for a US Air Force gentleman. It read 'now flying with the angels.' I told Joanna that this is amazing and because of what they did we can have our time to laugh, make fools of ourselves and have a good life. We also saw several people either in uniform or with Veterans hats/jackets on. We made sure to thank as many of them as we could for their Service. One guy cried when I told him 'Welcome Home'. He was a Vietnam Veteran and they guys have always told me they were not treated well when they came home and hardly any were greeted nicely. They said 'Welcome Home' is a greeting they do to each other and, when done with respect by one of us, means ALOT!
When I got home I sent back into my volunteer meetings. Talk about not taking a breathe. But, it is now time to get back to our Troops.
A few months ago Rev. Jim, one of the PGRs road Chaplains, and a member of the Christian Motorcycle Association had a special service at his church. About 50 PGR members brought their bikes to be blessed. Rev. Jim told Fred, Pat and I we could bring out 'cages' (cars) for the blessing as well. We drive with them in many Missions. We said the Bikers prayer and then either Rev. Jim or one of his associates went to each person to pray for their safety and any prayer requests they had.
He prayed at my car and then I had him pray for some very hard decisions I am facing this year. I believe my life has hit a crossroads that I am not sure where to turn. I feel I need to be moving from here and know where I would like to go. But, I also need to know that that is where He wants me to be placed. I have started a PRO/CON list. The biggest CON to staying is all the volunteer work I do with the Veterans organizations. I love the people I am around and cannot think of life without them. My friend, Eric, has told me if I move he knows people EVERYWHERE and would help me get in touch with them and get something started wherever I go. He is really a special friend and someone I trust alot. I have family here but they have already told me to do what I feel is right. I have helped Mom since Dad died 15 years ago. My brother in law told me that it is their turn to help out with her. All my sisters and nieces and nephews are with a few miles of each other. I really need to know my correct path.
We are starting plans for the 'All Eras Veterans Healing Field' to be displayed Aug. 14-17th this year at Davenport Memorial Park Cemetery. This year we are looking to make scale size replicas of the Memorials on the Washington Mall. I know I am committed to this event. This is a special time to give tribute to the men and women of the Armed Forces who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Freedoms.
I could write more but you are probably bored reading this by now. I hope you enjoy the pictures and check out the other photos/reviews I did.
Until next time..........
God bless, love and DITTO!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Do I need to change my friends?!
I have been very busy with evening meetings for SEVERAL of the organizations with whom I volunteer. Many of the same people are also in PGR Missions. We spend alot of time together. Whether they are active duty, retired, old, young, married or single they love to tease and I seem to be the 'little sister/daughter' target of much of it. One thing I love to do, though, is sit back as they talk about their particular branch of Service and try to see who it the BIGGER MAN among them. It is a riot-but sometimes I will excuse myself by saying 'gentlemen I am going to leave because I think I am hampering your vocabulary.' LOL I love being with them and am honored that they allow me into a small part of their world.
A little over a year ago Joanna convinced me to join the Haygoods Message Board. She said it would be fun and we would have a blast. It has been anything but BORING since. I have met and developed friendships with so many of them. Jason and I were playing phone tag the other night. Shanna had convinced us in the chat room to put a message on his SAYNOW! account. He figured out who did it, well I narked, and then had Shanna and I on a conference call. We ended up helping him record a new greeting. Which we found out went to EVERYONE on his account that had ever sent him a message. HAHAHA
We also went to the chat room, while still on the phone, and the three of us laughed and talked with each other for over an hour!
Joanna and I have been friends for years-meeting in line for Sawyer Brown, and have a special sisterly friendship that drives the guys nuts. We love to tease them while they are onstage and then afterwards. I told the Haygoods that they are only getting a glimpse of what we have been doing to Sawyer Brown for years when we go to their show.
My political friends have been just as entertaining. In 2002 we attended the State Convention in Cedar Rapids Ia. We enjoyed hanging out and the next day even extended our 'ROAD TRIP' by going to Des Moines for a Bar B Que given by our State Senator with Charleton Heston as the guest of honor. We did not get much sleep during the entire campaign season because we laugh and talk so much together.
I often wonder if I need to get friends whom will allow me a little more time to sleep. But, then I am reminded of a saying 'I will sleep when I am DEAD!'. HAHA
I started thinking how my life would be different if I had not met any of them. I can't even imagine NOT having these friends. All of them seem like we have know each other for years.
I am truly blessed to know them and think I will say 'NO! I need to keep my friends.'
A little over a year ago Joanna convinced me to join the Haygoods Message Board. She said it would be fun and we would have a blast. It has been anything but BORING since. I have met and developed friendships with so many of them. Jason and I were playing phone tag the other night. Shanna had convinced us in the chat room to put a message on his SAYNOW! account. He figured out who did it, well I narked, and then had Shanna and I on a conference call. We ended up helping him record a new greeting. Which we found out went to EVERYONE on his account that had ever sent him a message. HAHAHA
We also went to the chat room, while still on the phone, and the three of us laughed and talked with each other for over an hour!
Joanna and I have been friends for years-meeting in line for Sawyer Brown, and have a special sisterly friendship that drives the guys nuts. We love to tease them while they are onstage and then afterwards. I told the Haygoods that they are only getting a glimpse of what we have been doing to Sawyer Brown for years when we go to their show.
My political friends have been just as entertaining. In 2002 we attended the State Convention in Cedar Rapids Ia. We enjoyed hanging out and the next day even extended our 'ROAD TRIP' by going to Des Moines for a Bar B Que given by our State Senator with Charleton Heston as the guest of honor. We did not get much sleep during the entire campaign season because we laugh and talk so much together.
I often wonder if I need to get friends whom will allow me a little more time to sleep. But, then I am reminded of a saying 'I will sleep when I am DEAD!'. HAHA
I started thinking how my life would be different if I had not met any of them. I can't even imagine NOT having these friends. All of them seem like we have know each other for years.
I am truly blessed to know them and think I will say 'NO! I need to keep my friends.'
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter and other happenings of the week
Happy Easter to everyone. I shared this on other postings but wanted to add it here as well. This is a portion of one of my favorite hymns.
'Up from the grave He arose
with a mighty triumph over His foes
He arose the Victor from the dark domain
and He lives forever with His saints to Reign.
He arose
He arose
Hallelujah Christ AROSE!!
I volunteer for several groups that Honor our Armed Forces. One of these groups have been having alot of leadership problems and has lost membership and cooperation from other groups. We had an emergency meeting due to this and other issues and had to release the president from her duties and membership in the group. We also were advised to vote new Officers into place until nominations and general election in May. I am temporary President. But, have been told in May I will probably be voted permanent because past and current members and other organizations respect me and will be willing to all work together. We had lost focus on this because so many other organizations could not work with her.
When strangers come together, for any reason, there are those that can work together and enjoy each other and then those that after awhile you realize under any other circumstance you would not be associated.
I have worked on political campaigns, with Veterans groups and other organizations always as the worker bee. I have never been thrown into the spotlight of Leadership. I was talking to the President of MarineMoms and she said she was the same way. She gave me extremely good advice. She said to rely on God for guidance and learn to delegate so that others feel they are just as important as anyone else. So I am going to strongly rely on Him and others to continue our work for our Armed Forces. I would extremely appreciate any prayers for all of us.
Friends of mine have been going to the Haygoods Opening Season of shows. It has been absolutely hilarious the phone calls we have been doing to each other for the celebrations for them and other Branson happenings. HAHA Several went to Waxys to hear Dirty Old Towne and thoroughly enjoyed all the 'jiggin'. I am so jealous of all of them for having such a marvelous time without me. HAHA But, Joanna and I will be there in June. We are already getting exciting and can't wait to have some F-U-N-!!
Friday and Saturday night we spent with a 'Welcome Home' of 20 Marines returning from Iraq for home. There were plenty of hugs, handshakes and tears by all. The PGR and other groups worked together to escort them to a brief ceremony with their family. It was a MARVELOUS time for all. One of the Marines asked me what they could to thank us. I told him 'You already have...that is why we are here.' Thank God for our Military.
Ohhh Raahh and Yeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaw everyone.
'Up from the grave He arose
with a mighty triumph over His foes
He arose the Victor from the dark domain
and He lives forever with His saints to Reign.
He arose
He arose
Hallelujah Christ AROSE!!
I volunteer for several groups that Honor our Armed Forces. One of these groups have been having alot of leadership problems and has lost membership and cooperation from other groups. We had an emergency meeting due to this and other issues and had to release the president from her duties and membership in the group. We also were advised to vote new Officers into place until nominations and general election in May. I am temporary President. But, have been told in May I will probably be voted permanent because past and current members and other organizations respect me and will be willing to all work together. We had lost focus on this because so many other organizations could not work with her.
When strangers come together, for any reason, there are those that can work together and enjoy each other and then those that after awhile you realize under any other circumstance you would not be associated.
I have worked on political campaigns, with Veterans groups and other organizations always as the worker bee. I have never been thrown into the spotlight of Leadership. I was talking to the President of MarineMoms and she said she was the same way. She gave me extremely good advice. She said to rely on God for guidance and learn to delegate so that others feel they are just as important as anyone else. So I am going to strongly rely on Him and others to continue our work for our Armed Forces. I would extremely appreciate any prayers for all of us.
Friends of mine have been going to the Haygoods Opening Season of shows. It has been absolutely hilarious the phone calls we have been doing to each other for the celebrations for them and other Branson happenings. HAHA Several went to Waxys to hear Dirty Old Towne and thoroughly enjoyed all the 'jiggin'. I am so jealous of all of them for having such a marvelous time without me. HAHA But, Joanna and I will be there in June. We are already getting exciting and can't wait to have some F-U-N-!!
Friday and Saturday night we spent with a 'Welcome Home' of 20 Marines returning from Iraq for home. There were plenty of hugs, handshakes and tears by all. The PGR and other groups worked together to escort them to a brief ceremony with their family. It was a MARVELOUS time for all. One of the Marines asked me what they could to thank us. I told him 'You already have...that is why we are here.' Thank God for our Military.
Ohhh Raahh and Yeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaw everyone.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Spring is ALMOST here!!!
I will be so glad to get rid of the snow, ice and cold. Winter is a nice season but after awhile you want SPRING! LOL
I entered the Haygoods 'Jersey Cow' poetry contest but didn't win. DRAT! The winning poems were really good though and I am looking forward to hearing them when Joanna and I go down there in June. I wanted to try and sneak down this weekend but we have a St. Patricks Day parade and I am one of the designated drivers. We start in Rock Island Illinois and come over the bridge to Davenport Iowa. After the parade we drive everyone back to Rock Island to get their cars. I am walking with the MarineMoms and Patriot Guard Riders. Being an honorary member of both I have made quite a few friends.
We do alot of parades in our area. With this being an election year I also get calls to join political candidates to walk with them in some of the parades. Some may think walking in parades in boring but it is very fun. I enjoy it because I only get to see some of my friends at this time.
My company is competing in a 'Walk to the Moon' contest with a couple other cities. We wear pedometers from April 1st until June 30th. We keep track of the steps/miles we walk and the winning team gets a trophy. It is a good way to jump start your excercising. I generally get my nieces and nephews to join me in the evenings or weekends. You have to wear it all the time. You would really be amazed at the amount of miles you can walk in just ONE DAY!
Both supervisors are back at work but only part time. They are taking shifts so one is there in the morning and the other the afternoon. Neither are doing too good yet but they are trying to make it through the days.
I am just counting down until Fan Fair and the Haygoods shows!!
I entered the Haygoods 'Jersey Cow' poetry contest but didn't win. DRAT! The winning poems were really good though and I am looking forward to hearing them when Joanna and I go down there in June. I wanted to try and sneak down this weekend but we have a St. Patricks Day parade and I am one of the designated drivers. We start in Rock Island Illinois and come over the bridge to Davenport Iowa. After the parade we drive everyone back to Rock Island to get their cars. I am walking with the MarineMoms and Patriot Guard Riders. Being an honorary member of both I have made quite a few friends.
We do alot of parades in our area. With this being an election year I also get calls to join political candidates to walk with them in some of the parades. Some may think walking in parades in boring but it is very fun. I enjoy it because I only get to see some of my friends at this time.
My company is competing in a 'Walk to the Moon' contest with a couple other cities. We wear pedometers from April 1st until June 30th. We keep track of the steps/miles we walk and the winning team gets a trophy. It is a good way to jump start your excercising. I generally get my nieces and nephews to join me in the evenings or weekends. You have to wear it all the time. You would really be amazed at the amount of miles you can walk in just ONE DAY!
Both supervisors are back at work but only part time. They are taking shifts so one is there in the morning and the other the afternoon. Neither are doing too good yet but they are trying to make it through the days.
I am just counting down until Fan Fair and the Haygoods shows!!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
It is never too young
I met my sister with all my nieces and nephews at Dollar Bills store today. The kids were all spending their allowance. When we got ready to check out the cashier asked if we wanted to buy a toy for a local child of someone in the Service. I asked the kids and they were ALL EXCITED and gladly purchased a toy and then put it in the box.
The kids already know the important of our Armed Forces and never hesitate to say 'thank you' to a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine.
Over Thanksgiving Alex's , 8 yr old nephew, public school teacher asked each of the kids what they were thankful for. She told my sister later that he almost made her cry. He stood tall and said 'I am thankful Jesus died for my sins' and then prompted sat down with a smile.
As long as they can keep these values they will grow up to be fine Americans and adults.
God bless Alyssa, Evan, Brian, Tanner, Olivia, Alex and Dylan. The best nieces and nephews this aunt is proud to know. ;)
The kids already know the important of our Armed Forces and never hesitate to say 'thank you' to a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine.
Over Thanksgiving Alex's , 8 yr old nephew, public school teacher asked each of the kids what they were thankful for. She told my sister later that he almost made her cry. He stood tall and said 'I am thankful Jesus died for my sins' and then prompted sat down with a smile.
As long as they can keep these values they will grow up to be fine Americans and adults.
God bless Alyssa, Evan, Brian, Tanner, Olivia, Alex and Dylan. The best nieces and nephews this aunt is proud to know. ;)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
What is in a name??
Today was a better day at work. My manager is still being a pain but that will go on for at least another month. I got a call from Rose. She just left a randomly cheery message. I called her back to thank her and told her we must be friends because only a friend would know when a call like that is needed.
We deal with alot of patients who have unusual names. Some have the same first and last name-Ruby Ruby, Harb Harb, etc. Today we found a patient named Queenangelica. NO KIDDING!!! How sad the parents thought that would be a name to bestow on their child. Another person named her twin daughters Orangelo and Lemonagelo (Orange jello and Lemon jello). People are definitely weird at times.
But, everyone knows someone like that. Dad was named after the doctor that delivered him. Since our last name is Wood is name was William Sherwood Wood. Grandma definitely had a sense of humor. Mom and Dad named my sister's and I after entertainers they watched as teenagers. Annette (Funicello-Mickey Mouse Club and Beach Blanket movies), Sandra (Dee), Karen (Valentine) . My sister Rita was named after my aunt. Still not original. LOL
When Mom was little her mom used to get her and my aunts confused when she wanted to yell for one of them. So they became known as Beluabarbararita (Beulah, Barbara Jean and Rita).
Carol at work is always being called 'Carol Ann-come toward the light.' Anyone named Carol after Poltergist movies came out doesn't stand a chance. ;) My friend Todd and his twin brother have their dad's name. He used their middle names as his first and middle name.
It is interesting to see how or why people get their names. Someday maybe I will have children. It will be interesting to see what names we choose. Until then I can just stay in AWE or SURPRISE at what other people do to their kids. haha
We deal with alot of patients who have unusual names. Some have the same first and last name-Ruby Ruby, Harb Harb, etc. Today we found a patient named Queenangelica. NO KIDDING!!! How sad the parents thought that would be a name to bestow on their child. Another person named her twin daughters Orangelo and Lemonagelo (Orange jello and Lemon jello). People are definitely weird at times.
But, everyone knows someone like that. Dad was named after the doctor that delivered him. Since our last name is Wood is name was William Sherwood Wood. Grandma definitely had a sense of humor. Mom and Dad named my sister's and I after entertainers they watched as teenagers. Annette (Funicello-Mickey Mouse Club and Beach Blanket movies), Sandra (Dee), Karen (Valentine) . My sister Rita was named after my aunt. Still not original. LOL
When Mom was little her mom used to get her and my aunts confused when she wanted to yell for one of them. So they became known as Beluabarbararita (Beulah, Barbara Jean and Rita).
Carol at work is always being called 'Carol Ann-come toward the light.' Anyone named Carol after Poltergist movies came out doesn't stand a chance. ;) My friend Todd and his twin brother have their dad's name. He used their middle names as his first and middle name.
It is interesting to see how or why people get their names. Someday maybe I will have children. It will be interesting to see what names we choose. Until then I can just stay in AWE or SURPRISE at what other people do to their kids. haha
Monday, February 25, 2008
Today I officially HATE my job
One of the ladies last week gave her two week notice. Since her client bills are printed the first of the month she was going to work until the 4th to get them out to be nice. Well, some people in the office persuaded her that it would be better to leave on a Friday and not Tuesday. She walked into the office today and gave a revised departure date and told the Manager we had talked her into it! I dislike people who can't seem to make up there own minds or use others as an excuse for wanting to do something. She spent all day beaming with glee that she was leaving. Which I do not begrudge her because I would feel the same way. But, then the manager yelled at everyone and said we were doing the client bills and taking all the calls. She would not be helping at all. I told her I thought we had a procedure written down to sort out the doctors, fax certain ones and mail the rest. She said she didn't care about anything and if we screwed it up it would be our own fault. She is already upset because one supervisor is out after shoulder surgery for at least another month and the other one is out for two weeks. She may be gone longer if she has to have back surgery for 5 herniated discs. I know she is under stress. We have tried to help and offered to take some of the load. We either know how to do it or could learn fast to help. I have been there FOREVER and long before her. I just resent being treated like children and being punished for someone else's decision.
I am tired of putting up with things like this all the time. I love the coworkers but the manager has a really bad ROYALTY complex. I really want another job. I know I could do well wherever I go. I know the kind of job I would like to have and know I would be GREAT at it. I just have to be given a chance. I have had many people tell me to 'do it' and even professionals in the business wonder why I am not in it with them. hahaha
Sorry for the rant-I just had to unload. I promise the next one will be lighter.
I am tired of putting up with things like this all the time. I love the coworkers but the manager has a really bad ROYALTY complex. I really want another job. I know I could do well wherever I go. I know the kind of job I would like to have and know I would be GREAT at it. I just have to be given a chance. I have had many people tell me to 'do it' and even professionals in the business wonder why I am not in it with them. hahaha
Sorry for the rant-I just had to unload. I promise the next one will be lighter.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
A semi week in review
Thursday was Valentines Day. We had a party at work and you would have thought we were a bunch of school kids instead. We made our own boxes and gave each one a Valentine and had a party. Most of us gave the same Valentines as the school kids do. Those are the cutest ones. We had word search, mazes etc. to do throughout the day. Needless to say, not much work got done. I bought my neices and nephews heart shaped pizzas and they LOVED them. Texted messaged, emailed or posted a Valentines Day message to all my friends. It's funny that this day is set aside for couples but so many people let friends know how much they are loved as well.
A friend of mine asked me to look up some information for him and I got everything put together and presented to him in less than a week. I was very proud of myself and think I may have given him more than he thought I was going to find out. HAHA
My boss told me she wished I was as enthused about work as I am Sawyer Brown, The Haygoods, Patriot Guard Riders, MarineMoms, etc. I told her my work is my job and I enjoy doing it. But, the others are my passions and they deserve my attention just as much.
You have to work to pay bills and do the things you want in life. I just wish I could combine both. I know what I want to do and would be REALLY GOOD at it. I just have to find a way to get a chance to prove it. :) I have been praying alot for the direction my life should turn. i just pray God on I have the same road plan.
I have a 'date' tonight. My brother in law is taking my sister, Mom and I out for a belated Valentines day. We are getting along alot better than we used to. Which is a good thing for the kids. Hate it when parents or even family fight and the kids see it. Not physical fights but enough to put a damper on family gatherings. hahaha
Haygoods chat room in down again so we can't talk with each other. We have tried IM and it works pretty good but the chat is more our speed. lol
A former student at Northern Illinois University killed five people and himself. They said he was off his medications a few weeks. Then everyone starts yelling about banning guns or stricter laws. Why can't we just inforce the laws we have. I believe if we had more states with the concealed gun law we would be safer. It is proven that the states with this law have less crime. Would you want to take the change that the clerk your are robbing, or the customer behind you would blow your head off if you pulled out a gun. Or that the teacher, principal or other student would take you out before you could harm anyone else. I honestly believe in the Second Amendment. I have worked with people on bipolar or other drugs and know how they are when they do not take them. But, we can't continue to blame the weapons. It would be like saying we can't blame the drunk driver because the CAR killed the person. Personal responsibility has to be understood and put into perspective.
Sorry to go off but it was really bothering me this week with all the other shootings that occured.
A friend of mine asked me to look up some information for him and I got everything put together and presented to him in less than a week. I was very proud of myself and think I may have given him more than he thought I was going to find out. HAHA
My boss told me she wished I was as enthused about work as I am Sawyer Brown, The Haygoods, Patriot Guard Riders, MarineMoms, etc. I told her my work is my job and I enjoy doing it. But, the others are my passions and they deserve my attention just as much.
You have to work to pay bills and do the things you want in life. I just wish I could combine both. I know what I want to do and would be REALLY GOOD at it. I just have to find a way to get a chance to prove it. :) I have been praying alot for the direction my life should turn. i just pray God on I have the same road plan.
I have a 'date' tonight. My brother in law is taking my sister, Mom and I out for a belated Valentines day. We are getting along alot better than we used to. Which is a good thing for the kids. Hate it when parents or even family fight and the kids see it. Not physical fights but enough to put a damper on family gatherings. hahaha
Haygoods chat room in down again so we can't talk with each other. We have tried IM and it works pretty good but the chat is more our speed. lol
A former student at Northern Illinois University killed five people and himself. They said he was off his medications a few weeks. Then everyone starts yelling about banning guns or stricter laws. Why can't we just inforce the laws we have. I believe if we had more states with the concealed gun law we would be safer. It is proven that the states with this law have less crime. Would you want to take the change that the clerk your are robbing, or the customer behind you would blow your head off if you pulled out a gun. Or that the teacher, principal or other student would take you out before you could harm anyone else. I honestly believe in the Second Amendment. I have worked with people on bipolar or other drugs and know how they are when they do not take them. But, we can't continue to blame the weapons. It would be like saying we can't blame the drunk driver because the CAR killed the person. Personal responsibility has to be understood and put into perspective.
Sorry to go off but it was really bothering me this week with all the other shootings that occured.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Do/Did You Settle?
Our office has a copier/printer that is outdated even though it is only a few years old. It breaks down ALOT and we have come to know the RKDixon repairmen quite frequently. Today one of the guys was there for hours and then called another one in to help. 'It should be fixed now for quite a while.' one of them said with a laugh. I joked that he had to call in backup with his buddy. We laughed, as with the rest of the office, and then he talked to our manager and left.
One of the girls decided maybe he and I should get together and even got a few others in the office involved in possibly tampering with the machine on Wednesday afternoon so he would have to come back Thursday (Valentines Day) and then he could eat with me. He is not a bad looking guy or even rude. I just don't see him as my 'type'. The rude part about the conversations was the fact that my boss and some others told me that I could settle for him because 'look at you-you're not getting any younger. You are not going to get anyone in Nashville or Branson. Tall, dark and handsome will not look at you.' I admit I joke that I am 'chunky petite' but I even found that extremely rude.
What brings others or yourself to think you can't do any better, no one else will want you, or they are as desperate as you and will settle. As I have said before, I know God has a timing for him and I to meet. But, why do people have to be so mean and childish with each other. I am not trying to say I am better than him. It is just I find the reasoning with people that are supposed to be my friends a little offsetting when it comes to their views of with Whom I should end up.
If you have someone did you settle? Did you wait for your Mr/Miss Right? Do you regret or love the decision you made? I just thought I needed to vent a little today.
One of the girls decided maybe he and I should get together and even got a few others in the office involved in possibly tampering with the machine on Wednesday afternoon so he would have to come back Thursday (Valentines Day) and then he could eat with me. He is not a bad looking guy or even rude. I just don't see him as my 'type'. The rude part about the conversations was the fact that my boss and some others told me that I could settle for him because 'look at you-you're not getting any younger. You are not going to get anyone in Nashville or Branson. Tall, dark and handsome will not look at you.' I admit I joke that I am 'chunky petite' but I even found that extremely rude.
What brings others or yourself to think you can't do any better, no one else will want you, or they are as desperate as you and will settle. As I have said before, I know God has a timing for him and I to meet. But, why do people have to be so mean and childish with each other. I am not trying to say I am better than him. It is just I find the reasoning with people that are supposed to be my friends a little offsetting when it comes to their views of with Whom I should end up.
If you have someone did you settle? Did you wait for your Mr/Miss Right? Do you regret or love the decision you made? I just thought I needed to vent a little today.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Cougar or Stud-what's the limit
I have to agree with my friend, Kim, who loves to use the phrase 'I like me some eye candy.' We have categorized people who are involved in relationships with expanded age differences as either Cougars (older women with youger men) or Studs (older men with youger women). I have had two coworkers who's husbands or boyfriends were 8-15 years younger than them. A friend of mine's husband is 11 years old than her. I find myself attacted to men where either of us would fit one of these categories. But, I also realize that it is because they all share the some of the same traits I admire. Many people look at the physical beginning of a relationship and think it is the major factor. I believe that somewhat the physical attraction is important. But, you must also look beyond that to see what else you have in common. Do you have an 'old soul' that shares the same things as your more 'mature' interest. Do you have a 'young spirit' that shares the same things as your more 'youthful' interest. I believe you can have a serious relationship no matter who is the older/younger of the couple as long as your values, beliefs, etc. are compatible.
It is a fun dilemna and one that I will continue to explore.
It is a fun dilemna and one that I will continue to explore.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Who is the better Candidate for POTUS
This year we have several choices for President of the United States. I am looking for a candidate who shares my values and beliefs. Who will stand up for America. I want someone who will not cater to those that come here ILLEGALLY and assume we will bow to their languages and beliefs. They left their previous country to come to ours for a BETTER life. If I were to leave and go to their country I would be expected to enter LEGALLY and assimilate myself into my new home. I have no problem with them sharing their Heritage. We are made up of diverse people but we also need to be reminded of the reason they came her. I want someone who will try to work to overhaul the Welfare system so that those that NEED it get help and those that DON'T will not be able to live off of it instead of working for a living. There is far too many duplicate programs that need to be overhauled so our money is used the best way possible. I want someone that values the lives of the unborn children and understands the CRIMINALS deserve punishment and not the VICTIMS. I want someone who will protect this Country from its enemies and not worry about appearances to cowtow to other countries.
I will not be voting for someone simply because she is a Woman, I liked her husband or the first Black man or Mormon to run. I will not be voting for someone who instead of committing to a vote by YEA or NAY they voted 'present'. This to me shows a lack values and unwillingness to show us where they stand.
I have not decided my vote yet but will definitely take into consideration their POSITIVE aspects of campaigns. I do not want someone who spends more time CRITICIZING the other candidates. Negativity by anyone turns me off to them. I have great respect for those that put themselves 'out there' for Americans and what we stand for as a NATION.
I will not be voting for someone simply because she is a Woman, I liked her husband or the first Black man or Mormon to run. I will not be voting for someone who instead of committing to a vote by YEA or NAY they voted 'present'. This to me shows a lack values and unwillingness to show us where they stand.
I have not decided my vote yet but will definitely take into consideration their POSITIVE aspects of campaigns. I do not want someone who spends more time CRITICIZING the other candidates. Negativity by anyone turns me off to them. I have great respect for those that put themselves 'out there' for Americans and what we stand for as a NATION.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A Day At My Office
I work in an office of twenty-two people between the ages of 18-64 years old. It is hard to put yourself at YOUR age because you are never really sure how you should be acting. We all get along with each other for the most part. One of the girls just celebrated her 41st birthday. She is a wife and mother of three but doesn't feel 'that old'. She said she feels like she is in her 20's.
I sit next to a 23 year old guy and across from a 64 year old woman. Suzanne will retire this year and wants to spend it playing with her grandchildren and running around the yard with them. Grandmas don't run-do they?! John is our 'token' male. The only one we have in the office. He says there are days he likes it because he gets answers to alot of questions about 'females' he wanted to know. But, somedays there are things he DOESN'T want to know.
Today we used John as our test subject. Avon has a cologne for men called 'DRIVEN' which smelled pretty bad on the sample card. But, he decided it would smell better on him with his added pheramones (sp). So he wiped the card all over him and they told us to 'smell' him. HAHA
You know-he was RIGHT. I could definitely think of a few other guys, perhaps in Branson, that I would like to hear them tell me 'smell me'. But, that is a whole other blog. LOL
One of my supervisors had rotar cuff surgery (hope that is right) today with a few extra repairs and will be out for some time. She doled out her work to us and then called in today to add some to my list. There are days I don't like being efficient enough to have more work added to the pile. Before she left I told her 'you're going to owe us BIG TIME when you get healed-maybe some fudge.' ha She makes the best fudge in the WORLD!!
We had a Blizzard storm warning and my duty is to listen to my radio and inform all the parents which schools are letting out early and update everyone on the weather. We had a few leave because they live pretty far out of town. I live in town so NO DICE-I was stuck there.
I have taken Jason's story to work so they can read it. They asked 'so when are we going to meet this writer friend of yours. He seems like he would be fun.' I told them at least not until Summer because he lives in Texas and would be a 'WINTER WOOSE' and freeze coming here now. Then I called him and told him the same thing. haha Several people in the office have told me MY friends seem more interesting than theirs. But, most of my friends are out of the state so they seem more mysterious and fun to them.
Kelly got a call from a patient and was told WE were incompetent because her insurance was filed incorrectly. She didn't seem to feel it was her fault that it was wrong. Even though she got THREE statements and never called us to fix the problem. She said we could turn her over to the collection agency and no one was going to get anything out of her. We laughed when she hung up. For every ONE like her we get TWO or so that make us laugh with them. Another lady called us and told me she had Medicare primary and her husband's insurance secondary. The insurances think she is not old enough because her husband doesn't have it. She said they have been married for over 45 years and she is 19 years OLDER than him. She said she got her man way before Hollywood thought is was fashionable. LOL We LOVED her call and laughed the rest of the day about it.
There are days that I really want another job. I like being with the people but I want to do something I know I am good at and would enjoy ALOT more. Maybe someday this will happen. Until then I just continue with the daily adventures of the Lab.
I sit next to a 23 year old guy and across from a 64 year old woman. Suzanne will retire this year and wants to spend it playing with her grandchildren and running around the yard with them. Grandmas don't run-do they?! John is our 'token' male. The only one we have in the office. He says there are days he likes it because he gets answers to alot of questions about 'females' he wanted to know. But, somedays there are things he DOESN'T want to know.
Today we used John as our test subject. Avon has a cologne for men called 'DRIVEN' which smelled pretty bad on the sample card. But, he decided it would smell better on him with his added pheramones (sp). So he wiped the card all over him and they told us to 'smell' him. HAHA
You know-he was RIGHT. I could definitely think of a few other guys, perhaps in Branson, that I would like to hear them tell me 'smell me'. But, that is a whole other blog. LOL
One of my supervisors had rotar cuff surgery (hope that is right) today with a few extra repairs and will be out for some time. She doled out her work to us and then called in today to add some to my list. There are days I don't like being efficient enough to have more work added to the pile. Before she left I told her 'you're going to owe us BIG TIME when you get healed-maybe some fudge.' ha She makes the best fudge in the WORLD!!
We had a Blizzard storm warning and my duty is to listen to my radio and inform all the parents which schools are letting out early and update everyone on the weather. We had a few leave because they live pretty far out of town. I live in town so NO DICE-I was stuck there.
I have taken Jason's story to work so they can read it. They asked 'so when are we going to meet this writer friend of yours. He seems like he would be fun.' I told them at least not until Summer because he lives in Texas and would be a 'WINTER WOOSE' and freeze coming here now. Then I called him and told him the same thing. haha Several people in the office have told me MY friends seem more interesting than theirs. But, most of my friends are out of the state so they seem more mysterious and fun to them.
Kelly got a call from a patient and was told WE were incompetent because her insurance was filed incorrectly. She didn't seem to feel it was her fault that it was wrong. Even though she got THREE statements and never called us to fix the problem. She said we could turn her over to the collection agency and no one was going to get anything out of her. We laughed when she hung up. For every ONE like her we get TWO or so that make us laugh with them. Another lady called us and told me she had Medicare primary and her husband's insurance secondary. The insurances think she is not old enough because her husband doesn't have it. She said they have been married for over 45 years and she is 19 years OLDER than him. She said she got her man way before Hollywood thought is was fashionable. LOL We LOVED her call and laughed the rest of the day about it.
There are days that I really want another job. I like being with the people but I want to do something I know I am good at and would enjoy ALOT more. Maybe someday this will happen. Until then I just continue with the daily adventures of the Lab.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What is God's VALENTINE? John 3:16
For God so loVed the world
that He gAve
His onLy
That whoesoever
believeth In Him
should Not perish,
but have Everlasting life.
Happy VALENTINE's Day all year round.
that He gAve
His onLy
That whoesoever
believeth In Him
should Not perish,
but have Everlasting life.
Happy VALENTINE's Day all year round.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
What's Your Sign?! haha
Do you ever feel like you have a sign on your forehead. Mine says 'Talk To Me.' haha
I can be standing in a crowd or by myself and will find someone that wants to chat. Most of the time it is okay. But, occassionally there are some interesting conversations. When we go to Nashville for Fan Fair and are helping Sawyer Brown at their booth we have found that WE have our own fans. lol They come up to the booth and are excited to talk to us. Not sure why-but it is amusing. I can be at the grocery store, shopping center or a concert and have a complete stranger come up and act like they have know me for years and start chatting away. I guess I should be grateful that I have the ability to put people to such ease they can do that. At some of the Haygoods concerts this year the same thing happens. I had been on stage during 'My Girl' and afterward people kept coming up saying how funny I was. When I was talking to Pat after the show, in line, a lady came up and tapped my shoulder. "Honey, you did such a good job." She looked at him and said 'you did good too.' haha
I love this most of the time.
Sooo, what does your sign say?! LOL
I can be standing in a crowd or by myself and will find someone that wants to chat. Most of the time it is okay. But, occassionally there are some interesting conversations. When we go to Nashville for Fan Fair and are helping Sawyer Brown at their booth we have found that WE have our own fans. lol They come up to the booth and are excited to talk to us. Not sure why-but it is amusing. I can be at the grocery store, shopping center or a concert and have a complete stranger come up and act like they have know me for years and start chatting away. I guess I should be grateful that I have the ability to put people to such ease they can do that. At some of the Haygoods concerts this year the same thing happens. I had been on stage during 'My Girl' and afterward people kept coming up saying how funny I was. When I was talking to Pat after the show, in line, a lady came up and tapped my shoulder. "Honey, you did such a good job." She looked at him and said 'you did good too.' haha
I love this most of the time.
Sooo, what does your sign say?! LOL
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Is it wrong?!!
Yesterday I was talking to a friend and looking at Country Weekly magazine. They had a full color picture and article on George Strait. I told my friend, 'you know, for an older guy (56 yrs old) George looks GOOD!!!' Then I was in the chat room with some girls and we were talking about TV shows. I told them there are four reasons to watch CSI:Crime Scene Investigation and CSI:NY-Gary Sinese, William Peterson, Carmine Giovianozzi and Eddie Kahill. Then, of course, there is NCSI with Mark Harmon.
Don't get me wrong-all the shows have younger actors alot closer to my age and they look good as well. But, why can men age so charmingly and women seem to not be able to hold up as well. Don't get mad at me. I know there are women that look nice older but it just seems men have the market on maturing more gracefully.
But, just something to ponder since my other blogs have been so heavy lately. ENJOY!!
Don't get me wrong-all the shows have younger actors alot closer to my age and they look good as well. But, why can men age so charmingly and women seem to not be able to hold up as well. Don't get mad at me. I know there are women that look nice older but it just seems men have the market on maturing more gracefully.
But, just something to ponder since my other blogs have been so heavy lately. ENJOY!!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Their Favorite Aunt
I was out of town from December 27th until January 2nd. My mom spent most of her time with her grandchildren taking turns spending the night. Tanner, 7 yrs old, decided he didn't want to spend the night until Aunt Annette got home. My sister told the kids they could tonight but didn't tell them I was back.
She said I should have seen their faces when she came up the street and they saw my car in the drive. She said they kept screaming 'AUNT ANNETTES HOME! AUNT ANNETTES HOME!!' and ran out of the van when they got here.
I LOVE being the favorite aunt. lol So now we have three of my nephews sleeping in inflatable sleeping bags and watching 'Underdog'. Earlier we played Battleship and Evan, 8 yrs old, sunk all of mine before I could get his last one. Dang kid! HAHA
So, now I am back to my reality and enjoying this part as well.
She said I should have seen their faces when she came up the street and they saw my car in the drive. She said they kept screaming 'AUNT ANNETTES HOME! AUNT ANNETTES HOME!!' and ran out of the van when they got here.
I LOVE being the favorite aunt. lol So now we have three of my nephews sleeping in inflatable sleeping bags and watching 'Underdog'. Earlier we played Battleship and Evan, 8 yrs old, sunk all of mine before I could get his last one. Dang kid! HAHA
So, now I am back to my reality and enjoying this part as well.
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