This is a view I took from Ron's, PGR member, bike as we were escorting Sgt. Schuyler Patch's body to Kewanee Il. Schuyler was killed in Afghanistan by an IED (improvised explosive device). On Thursday there were almost 100 bikes, the hearse, family members and other PGR members in their vehicles to escort him from the Quad Cities Airport to home.
All along the route each town had people on the side of the road with flags or quietly standing to pay their Respects for this Fallen Soldier. It is hard to explain the emotions that you experience when others show a Hero this much Honor. When we reached Kewanee there was a ceremony with the local bands, Veterans groups and his unit.
On Saturday a large group of PGR went back to Kewanee and stood the Flag line outside of the high school for visitation and then the funeral. We then had 6-8 motorcycles lead the motorcade to the cemetery. When the funeral started most of us went to the cemetery to set up our Flag line and wait for them to arrive.
Some of the members of the PGR are Gold Star families themselves. These are wives/husbands/mothers/fathers/siblings of a soldier that was killed in action. We try to keep a good eye on them. It is amazing to watch how they comfort the newer GS Families while still grieving (some a few years or months) themselves.
I am PROUD to be a part of the PGR and to know some amazing men and women who volunteer to show our military how much we are grateful for everything they do or have done for our Freedoms.