Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mean People SUCK!! pardon me

I admit that I like to brag about how friendly I am with Sawyer Brown or others. I am a very outgoing person and love talking to people. I am involved in politics, Veterans affairs, children's groups etc. Everyone wants to feel special and that they have a connection with someone they respect. Whether it be an entertainer, politician, religious figure, sports entertainer, etc.
A friend recently shared a conversation with me about someone very close to another group I admire. Seems she felt that she could impress people by spreading nasty rumors of one's 'orientation', the family break up and how much she 'knew' all of them because they gave her their phone numbers and have invited her to their homes.
Why do some people feel they can raise themselves up by stepping over others. You have to remember that even if you go climb the ladder-eventually you have to come down. You should surround yourselves with people you know will still be holding that ladder.
It just infuriates me and I am not sure how to handle it without having the 'wronging' person figure out who told me. I will get this done eventually. Until then I guess I will try to squash anything she says to the best of my ability.
Thanks for letting me vent.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Music for the Soul

Music touches everyone's lives in a different way. There are times when you hear a song and it 'takes you back' to a time or place that is special for you. Friends and I can start laughing or just smiling when a song is played and not have to say a word why. When Dad passed away they played 'Daddy's Hands' by Holly Dunn. There wasn't a dry eye in the church because some way or another everyone related to it. I can hear 'Moanie Moanie' and start laughing because of a company party we went to and a friend's dancing routine. I hear 'Leave the Light On' or 'The Walk' by Sawyer Brown and it will get me every time. Both songs came out at a low point in my life and it was something that touched me and helped me to heal. I will hear 'Some Girls Do', "My Girl' or 'Save A Horse (ride a cowboy) and start laughing because of a karaoke night with friends that left all of us almost in tears from the humor of the moment. I have to admit that Sawyer Brown has been a big part of my life. They had already been established when I started listening and going to concerts. I have been priviledged to meet them many times and get to know not only the performers but the people who make up Sawyer Brown and their families. Now, my best friend Joanna, and I help them during Fan Fair in Nashville and have open invitations to visit anytime we are in town. They are an awesome bunch of individuals and completely committed to their careers, family and God. You can feel the energy they produce and their honesty towards life and their fans. I had commented once, and it stuck for each of us, that there is a mutual admiration between them and their fans. I believe the Holy Spirit draws us to each other. Whether it is by the same beliefs or needing to find that special 'something' in your life. When you are drawn to others you can both grow and help one another. When Dad was ill I had told them and they said to keep them informed. Dad passed away December 28th and was buried New Year's Eve. They were done touring at that time and I didn't want to interrupt their Holiday with family. The next time I saw them they said that they had been praying for Dad. When they found out he had died they said I had been on their minds and in their prayers. Needless to say, I cried all the way home because I knew they were geniune and but suddenly had realized how close we had become. Not just fan and artist but true friends.
There is a new group, the Haygoods, which are becoming a special part in my life now. They have the same energy, committment, beliefs and real caring for their fans that Sawyer Brown has exhibited. I will never be able to hear: 'Walking in Memphis' with out smiling about Dimples, 'When You Say Nothing At All' and not want to say MOO or YEAH!, 'Mary Did You Know' will be forever imbedded in my heart because of Dominic's emotional rendition or 'Seven Bridges Road' and not get chills from their harmonies. I admire people who have the ability to do tapping and they are the extreme pros at it. I even had a brief moment after a show to talk to some of them. I got a small glimpse into what makes up the individual that is a part of the whole. They are currently still performing in Branson. I believe though, with all my heart, that they will be the first BREAKOUT artists from Branson.
I believe those that can sing should not hold back. That is a gift from God that is given to be shared with others. I cannot carry a tune and if I tried the dogs would howl until they took ME away. HAHA But, even though that is true, I am reminded of 'Make a joyful noise unto the Lord' and I will continue to try.
Music is the one constant that connect you to a broader meaning. You start out sharing songs and times and then are able to reach others in deeper ways.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Merry Christmas and other musings

Thanksgiving is over and the mad rush begins to find that 'one perfect gift' for family and friends. It is sad when the stress of shopping for Christmas overshadows the actual meaning of it. I admit to being one of the weird after Thanksgiving shoppers that get up at 2AM to hit the blitz sales. I know December 25th is not the actual birth date of Christ but it is the time we have chosen to celebrate and acknowledge Him. I have a pin that I wear during Christmas time that says 'Merry Christmas it is okay to say' which a friend gave me a few years ago. It became more and more apparent that merchants and the public became so PC that they did not want to offend a small majority of people. I on the other hand I AM OFFENDED that people choose or are told not to say it. It may only seem like two little words but it still reminds me of 'Merry Xmas' and the fact that Christ is still being taken out of Christmas.
My nieces and nephews are being raised the same as my sisters and I were. We know the real meaning of Christmas and the fact that the gift giving/receiving is a symbol of the gifts brought to Christ at His birth.
When did our Country become a place trying to be ruled by a small majority of people who do nothing to better their lives or the lives of others. I know my blogs seem like a gripefest but there are things that bother me that have to be brought to the forefront.
I do have many blessings I am grateful in my life. I know I have the salvation that only Jesus Christ can give me. I am blessed to have had my Dad, my grandparents and some dear friends in my life before they passed away. I am grateful to the small number of friends I can count on to help me or know they can count on me to help them. I am grateful that I can 'pursue happiness' with my friends and relatives. I am honored that our Armed Forces is still made up of men and women who voluntarily sacrifice their time, and many their lives, so we can continue to live in the LAND OF THE FREE THANKS TO THE HOME OF THE BRAVE!! I have had the chance to belong to some phenomenal groups, even though I am a civilian, that can honor our Troops and our Veterans.
I am grateful I have can make the decision of my employment, place of residence and what I want to do for pleasure and purpose in my life.
I have done things in my life, because of the choices given me, that I have not always been happy with and sometimes ashamed that I chose that direction. I know I have hurt people, intentionally or unintentionally, that I can never take back. I am still working on the part of me that can hold a grudge for far too long.
I want to make my life better and hope that those around me who know me have been bettered by the fact that I was in their lives. Sometimes it will take years for the answers to some of your questions and other times you will never learned the answers.
I don't believe the path we choose should always be smooth and without problems. A few problems and struggles in our lives is what builds character, makes us stronger and fortifies our resolves, beliefs and convictions of character.

Friday, November 9, 2007

My Better Angels

There is a Toby Keith song, to paraphrase, says 'I bring my better Angels to every fight...hate me if you want me if you can.' That in a way is how my life goes. I was brought up with very strong values and opinions. Some have accused me of being closed-minded. I'm not- but believe if you are too open minded your brain will fall out. I am not one that will go with the flow for the PC times. If you believe strong enough in something it should not change simply because someone may be offended. I do not start out to offend. But, neither do I want to be offended by someone trying to stifle my views. I am Pro-Life and Pro-Death penalty. There are those that will say this is a contradiction. I disagree. A baby did not ask to be brought into this world-nor asked to be killed before they could experience it. A person that commits murder has given up their right to their life. To stop this type of punishment does not deter the crime. I also believe if you are able to work YOU SHOULD. The welfare system was not intended to be a paycheck for those that choose unemployment. The system is supposed to help those that need it but not for those that have learned to abuse it.
Just because we are Americans does not give us the right to demand everything we want for nothing. The US Constitution gives us the rights to 'Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness.' I am grateful for our Founding Fathers drive to put themselves on the line for this Country. I am extremely proud and thankful for our Past, Present and Future members of the Armed Forces who choose to risk their lives and very Freedoms to protect ours.
To quote 'there are only two people who gave their lives for us-Jesus Christ and the American Soldiers.' Without either of them in our lives we would not be able to live.
So, if you still want to read more I look forward to sharing. If I have offended or turned you off I hope you find what you are looking for elsewhere.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

How My Life Has Went So Far

This may be boring for most but I thought I would give it a try. It has been said by many that your life is determined by your birth order. Being the oldest has its own forms of pressure. I have spent most of my life being told 'now set a good example because your sisters are watching you.' Then being named after a Mickey Mouse mousketeer. I never saw the show until there were clips shown years later during biographies on the members. This adds the mental pressure to be like 'Annette-the good one.' Needless to say, I did not go the rebel child direction which some would have chosen. Instead, I tried to keep the clean image. My sisters all tried their rebel times and talked about how much FUN it was. When everyone FINALLY became adults I had my relapse into the childhood I really didn't experience. Years later I am STILL a teenager at heart. I continue with my 'adult responsibilities' but still try to find the time to enjoy myself with my friends.
I do have very strong opinions, thanks to a father and favorite uncles and cousins, who were not shy about sharing their views. I formed my own views and believe strongly in them. In later blogs I will try to share some of them with all of you. Hope you will not be too bored. Enjoy the ride.